In a film, good costume design can mean the difference between a fully realized character and one who feels more like a paper cutout.
But while it may be easy to “ooh” and “ahh” over period gowns and accessories, a variety of details go into creating standout costume designs.
In particular, jewelry used in movies can have a mesmerizing effect as the lights bounce off jewels and create a mesmerizing sparkle. Additionally, the beauty and style of a real necklace or pair of earrings makes a powerful and meaningful statement about the character.
Some of the most memorable movies to roll across the silver screen have featured famous jewelry pieces that are nearly as memorable as the stories themselves.
The “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Necklace
It would be challenging to find a more famous piece of movie jewelry than the diamond and pearl necklace worn by Audrey Hepburn’s Holly Golightly as she ate a croissant in front of the iconic Tiffany’s store window in the opening scene of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
Worn as a choker, the
necklace is a single, long strand of pearls that was wrapped around her neck and fastened with a diamond brooch in the front.
Interestingly, Hepburn did not actually wear any Tiffany’s jewelry in the film, although she did in publicity photos.
“Pretty Woman” Necklace
If you close your eyes, you can picture Julia Robert’s infectious smile and laughter as Richard Gere pretended to snap the necklace case shut on her fingers in the classic scene in “Pretty Woman.” As far as iconic jewelry moments in movies goes, it’s hard to beat that scene.
The diamond and
ruby necklace, which Roberts’ character, Vivian, donned on a trip to the opera, was made for the film by French jeweler FRED Paris. It is rumored that this was the only design house willing to agree to the project due to the film’s somewhat controversial subject matter.
The Heart of the Ocean
The necklace in “Pretty Woman” was stunning, but it was hardly the focal point of a timeless love story. For that honor, we must turn to the Heart of the Ocean, the 56 carat, heart-shaped blue diamond pendant necklace that Kate Winslet, as Rose, wore in “Titanic.”
Rose posing for Jack wearing nothing but the necklace and then tossing it overboard into the depths of the sea many decades later are both iconic jewelry movie moments.
Unfortunately, the Heart of the Ocean necklace wasn’t real. Props designed by London-based jeweler Asprey & Garrard used cubic zirconia and white gold to capture the sparkle seen in the film.
However, after the success of the movie, the jewelers made a real piece featuring a large sapphire surrounded by diamonds. The necklace was auctioned off for charity and only seen when Celine Dion wore it to the Academy Awards.
“Moulin Rouge” Diamond Necklace
Every moment that Nicole Kidman is on screen as Satine in “Moulin Rouge” is captivating, but none is more enchanting than when she wore her diamond bib necklace. This famous movie jewelry is a diamond choker that extended down to mimic a lace design that covered most of her collarbone and chest.
The diamond necklace was custom-made for Kidman to wear in the film. Unlike some of the other famous jewelry pieces on this list, the “Moulin Rouge” necklace was made of real diamonds — more than 1,000 stones,
18K white gold, and a large sapphire accent.
A replica of the necklace was used in a scene that involved ripping it from Kidman’s neck, so the real piece was not damaged.
“Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” Diamonds
Before there was “Moulin Rouge” we had “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.” When Marilyn Monroe sang that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” she was surrounded by handsome men in suits and dripping in sparkling diamonds to complement her cotton candy pink gown and opera-length gloves.
Like the Heart of the Ocean, the jewelry worn by Monroe in this Iconic scene was prop jewelry, but that does not make it any less memorable.
The “Sex and the City” Engagement Ring
Years were spent establishing Carrie Bradshaw as a fashion icon, so it comes as no surprise that the ring had to be more than memorable when Mr. Big finally proposed.
At the end of “Sex and the City 2,” Big gave Bradshaw a five-carat black diamond ring, which was designed by Itay Malkin in collaboration with Sarah Jessica Parker and the show’s celebrated costume designer, Patricia Fields.
When you’re ready to shop for your own piece of iconic jewelry, be sure to stop by the
Hannoush Jewelers showroom in Albany or Clifton Park, New York to find the style of your dreams.
Or if you’d like a piece similar to a piece of jewelry spotted in a movie, let us know. Our jewelers would love to work with you to create a
custom piece of jewelry inspired by one seen on the silver screen.